Sleep Apnea Syndrome Exam (SAS)
Sleep Apnea Syndrome,
sneaking up to you
sleep apnea syndrome(sleep apnea syndrome=SAS) is a disease that the breath stoppage or low breathing at sleep.
Currently, person in SAS are;
- Total 1 to 2 million throughout Japan.
- Sharp increase among 30’s to 50’s.
- Among middle age or older, 1 out of 25 among male, and 1 out of 50 among female.
If you leave compounded SAS with no treatments, …
- Risk for death becomes 4 times bigger in 18 years later.
- Doubled in high blood pressure.
- Angina Pectoris and Cardiac Infarct becomes 3 to 4 times bigger.
- Stroke becomes 4 times bigger.
- Traffic Accident becomes 7 times bigger.
- *Be impatient with the body.
- *Be attacked by a strong awake during day time.
- *Be distracted.?
- *Person who used to be serious and meticulous becomes a negligent character.
When these symptoms appears, please take SAS Test
- Snore badly
- Become sleepy during a day time although sleeping time is enough.
There is effective exam method and curing method for SAS.